I am horribly in love with scarfs. I went shopping in vintage shops Friday and bought some old scarfs with neat prints. And then I went to a flea market with over 200 stands and found a lot of very sweet things - including 2 new scarfs. No, actually 3. So now I've got about 15 or something like that.
I have been searching for blazers for a while now. I don't want some in bad quality and I don't want all black ones + the ones I find are too expensive in my opinion ( I think 150-200 DKK is a lot). But then I found these two at the flea market!!! I LOVE THEM.
I have been sitting for hours on Ebay and the danish Trensales looking for jackets with army prints, but never really found some I loved. And then I found this and it was just my size. It cost me 40 DKK.
The denim blazer is kind of original in my opinion. You see denim jackets all around, but I haven't seen any blazers before. And it was 10 DKK.
New boots and a cap - 30 DKK.
Paul Frank ftw <3
SvarSletog det klæder dig uden øjenvipper syns jeg :)
Hvor fedt! Du er vildt god til at finde billige ting <3 det burde jeg øve mig på også, haha. Støvlerne er vildt fede!
SvarSletcool stuff!!!!!
SvarSletTHE BOOTS - where? how much?
Hello ! I'm a new follower !
SvarSletI think that you have a very great style ! *-*
And a funny attitude too ^-^
Ps: I love the ribbon and the hair style !
I love your style so much!
SvarSletI hope your tests will go great :D