Viser opslag med etiketten rule/promise. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten rule/promise. Vis alle opslag

mandag den 3. maj 2010

A freckle here and there

Wow, it's already spring. It came to my mind yesterday that my b-day isn't that far away, which means - more importantly - that my trio to Japan is drawing closer. I had this little discussion with my dad about the choice of our onsen at Izu yesterday.

Me: But look at it! Nature all around, steaming water, really traditional... It's just SO japanese.
Dad: Hm.
Me: The other one is much more polished, almost like a tourist attraction..!
Dad: It's japanese enough for me.

Well, I guess we're going to the onsen my dad wants to go to...

Here in Copenhagen we celebrate the 1st of May because this was the day that the workers started demanding better working conditions under the slogan "8 hours of work, 8 hours of free-time and 8 hours of sleep". It's a very important day but today people just go to Fælledparken and drink beer.
I went with 3 friends of mine. It was kind of cold and I didn't get to see half of the friends I wanted to meet up with.. But it was sunny enough for me to have 3000000 freckles in my face now - spring has landed when those arrive.

Oh yea, did I mention that I don't drink alcohol? Like ever. it's a rule of mine - I won't drink before I turn 21.

Also I want to express my thanks to all of my followers! Thanks for reading my blog and commenting !
It's crazy that I have 56 followers ;) and before this I had 56 blog entries, haha.


fredag den 9. april 2010

Money, money, money...

Today I broke my promise. The one about me not buying anything over 100 DKK. I bought this dress from H&M and it cost me 250 DKK. But I think it was worth it because I don't have a proper dress for special occassions. Now I do, but at the same time it isn't so posh that I can't wear it for an everyday outfit.

Today was one of those days. Those days = days when you can't seem to make an effort at anything. I feel kind of drained of energy today and I felt it this morning too so my outfit came out real silly and not-well-coordinated. The red lipstick actually made me emotionally happier.

I've been looking all over for a green plastic bucket for my cosplay. Like 1 hour out in the city and 3 hours on the internet. I found this in Føtex (supermarked) and my heart skipped a beat. I bought it instantly and then, when I came home, I saw it is a bit too light in the color! So I was down again, haha.But I'll use it as it is if I can't find another or paint it darker.


onsdag den 24. marts 2010

Is this called school?

This week has been ridiculous. Because of midterms, study trips and teacher's vacation we haven't been attending school as normal. Monday we had 4 lectures, Tuesday and today we had 3 and tomorrow will be 2. I mean, it takes the same time to get to and from school as the "school day" takes.
But I don't really want to wake up at 10 in the week days, so I've been getting out of bed around 8 o'clock these days. Get something out of the day!
Also, we're going on Easter holiday this Friday, so why couldn't they just have given us a week more off?

Yesterday I read some manga by Ao Mimori - one of my fave manga-kas, she's got a great fashion taste - and one of the girls had that braid-on-both-sides-of-the-face 'do. I wanted to try it and I really like it ! No hair in my face and it looks pretty cute, doesn't it?

This is so SWEET. I really want to wear bows in that style now, haha.

Oh yeah! I've made another rule:
- I will not manipulate my pictures in Photoshop or anything like that!
I really think it's a problem that even bloggers, who start to make loads of followers, start removing their flaws. It creates a wrong picture of how one should look! I think it's wrong to look picture-perfect like the photoshopped models and therefore I won't hide my flaws like that - if make-up doesn't cover it, it'll be in my pictures.
And if i shop my pictures, for example for photoshoots, I'll note that I have done so below the picture.

These nails are so fun, haha.(Not mine)


torsdag den 18. marts 2010

Why is money and time so easily spent?

Yesterday Yin and Iwent out to take outfit pictures in our lunch break. It's really a huuuge change, the outfits seems so much cooler.
The weather was surprisingly warm too, so I didn't really have to wear my fur jacket over my blazer. I felt like it was spring ! I really cannot wait for more sun and sun and sun.
Wasn't it just winter yesterday? Time is running by so quickly. I can't believe that 7 months have past since I started in high school...

I wanted to wear my Ironman sweatshirt sooo bad, so I wore this. And I really love the color combination that came from it !

A fab scarf from H&M. I got a nail polish from there, but didn't want it so I echanged it into this instead! I like the color tone for my pale skin ...haha.

I received my Minnie Mouse shirt yesterday. God, I love it. I really need some long-armed shirts with cute prints, so when I saw this it was just INSTANT BUY. It was 20 dollars or something? <3

I've made a promise for myself:
- DO NOT buy anything for over 20 USD/100 DKK. That way I'll have more money for Japan. Because I can't buy nothing... I'd go mad without shopping ;p
