Viser opslag med etiketten manga. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten manga. Vis alle opslag

torsdag den 20. januar 2011

Enjoying chocolate

Two days ago I received an email from my water aerobics teacher through his facebook group. He owns a spa and had 4 tickets left for a chocolate ceremony and now gave an offer - 2 admission tickets for the price of 1. I called up Louise and asked her if she wanted to join me. She gladly answered yes even though she was sick, haha.

It was a 3 hour session. We went in the sauna and dampbath a lot then followed by 4 trips to the cold water tub. 4 degrees is so damn cold after 40 degrees in a sauna. Brrrr!
We got a facial mask, peeling, full body scrub, some other treats and of course chocolate all over the upper part of our bodies. Not such a deep colours as the one pictured though, haha.
It was really relaxing and nice but we were happy to have paid half price. The session was worth those money but not the dobble. My skin was smooth but too oily after the spa visit.
The escalators had turned off when we got out of the spa. I've never experienced that before - yes, an escelator with a defect that is therefore not running, but never one that has been turned off.

I introduced Lovely Complex to Louise and while talking about it suddenly wanted to read it again myself. It's been about 3 years and I just couldn't help myself. I finished it in two days, haha - stayed up till 4 in the morning on a school night because I kept on reading.... Maybe not such a great choice... But Lovely Complex really makes me laugh like no other romantic manga!

The B ought to be a C as well. The screen must've experienced some sort of electronical error. There is always something wrong when it comes to our trains here in CPH...


fredag den 19. november 2010

Passionate snow

It's the first snow of the year! I woke up after getting to bed around 5 PM and got up around 6 AM. Aaah, I needed all that sleep. I was so wasted after going to school and watching HP7 again.
I just had to take some photos. And I'm really happy I did! Because it's not snowing anymore and a lot of the snow has already disappeard. It's still damned cold though.

I finally got to wear my army printed winter coat! It's really warm - hence me not wearing it before today. I bought it in Japan at a flea market for 500 yen. It was three dudes selling a bunch of clothes. And I didn't want to sound too eager when asking for the price - I must have sounded so wierd because I tried my best to seem casual, haha.

And it's kind of my dream coat. Some years back I saw a whole lot of the characters in B.O.D.Y wearing those type of winter coats and I just loved them. Ahhh I love that series, the manga-ka has a really nice fashion sense!

Also I found this via MuggleNet:

Off Moviefone Blog.

I thought it really interesting. I myself was a big Twilight fan two years ago. I watched the first movie 11 times... Jesus. But it died out pretty quickly. Whereas Potter will always remain interesting for me. Potter is just so much more mature. Which also showed at the midnight premiere - people didn't cream because "EDWARD IS SOOOOO HOT" but because the effects were truly mesmerizing and the story well put on screen.


mandag den 26. juli 2010

Japan Tripping - Kyoto, days ???

Next up was Kyoto for 4 days. We had planned to be there while the Gion matsuri was nearing its peak and the parade and I am very happy we did so. Also, I finally lost my sense of dates and days.

The first night we went to an evening dancing show at the Yasaka Shrine and went down to the stalls a kilometer from there. It was so much fun and packed with people. It took an hour or so walking 500 meters because the masses slowed you down. It was fantastic and I was so happy haha. It was like taken out of a manga <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

The parade was kind of boring, though. Compleatly anti-climax.

We also went to the Manga Museum. It was great! We also went to the special exhibition. I learned quite a bit, which I thought impossible. You wasn't allowed to take pictures indoors because of copyright which sucked, but oh well, I had a sweet time nevertheless. I touched the very first edition of the first Inuyasha ! Dream. come. true. And I didn't even know I wanted to do that.

Kyoto st. was sick. Architecturally speaking. It was very sci-fi.

We went to the Fushimi Inari Shrine a little outside of Kyoto. It was really great. It was way better than I would have believed it to be! Ultimate gateway experience. It was like hundreds and hundres of meters of those gates spread up the whole mountain. We only walked 2 km up the mountainside though, because we weren't prepared for that, haha.
It was reallt fun walking fast or running - it felt like being in a rollercoaster. Sort of anyway.

Did anyone say big pearls?

Of course we also went on a all-day tour of Kyotos largest attractions. We went to Kingakuji (SO pretty in the snow), Kiyumizudera and Nijo Castle. The last one was the only thing I hadn't seen before and I really liked it. It features a lot of whole lot of nightingale floors (they sing like nightingales when you walk on them, built to prevent intruders entering the inner chambers) and they were so fun!

We also took a day of. Being on vacation is pretty hard. It was very nice to be well rested and stay indoors for the warmest hours.


onsdag den 24. marts 2010

Is this called school?

This week has been ridiculous. Because of midterms, study trips and teacher's vacation we haven't been attending school as normal. Monday we had 4 lectures, Tuesday and today we had 3 and tomorrow will be 2. I mean, it takes the same time to get to and from school as the "school day" takes.
But I don't really want to wake up at 10 in the week days, so I've been getting out of bed around 8 o'clock these days. Get something out of the day!
Also, we're going on Easter holiday this Friday, so why couldn't they just have given us a week more off?

Yesterday I read some manga by Ao Mimori - one of my fave manga-kas, she's got a great fashion taste - and one of the girls had that braid-on-both-sides-of-the-face 'do. I wanted to try it and I really like it ! No hair in my face and it looks pretty cute, doesn't it?

This is so SWEET. I really want to wear bows in that style now, haha.

Oh yeah! I've made another rule:
- I will not manipulate my pictures in Photoshop or anything like that!
I really think it's a problem that even bloggers, who start to make loads of followers, start removing their flaws. It creates a wrong picture of how one should look! I think it's wrong to look picture-perfect like the photoshopped models and therefore I won't hide my flaws like that - if make-up doesn't cover it, it'll be in my pictures.
And if i shop my pictures, for example for photoshoots, I'll note that I have done so below the picture.

These nails are so fun, haha.(Not mine)


søndag den 21. februar 2010

Break's over!

School starts again tomorrow. Back to drama and noise, yay = . = But I'll make the best of it :D

Things I've done this holiday:
  • Seen a lot of friends (parties does that, duh)
  • Relaxed A LOT
  • Watched way to much anime (I keep telling myself that I can watch just 1 more and... I've watched 3 seasons of Teen Titans and 1.5 of Avatar the Last Airbender. THIS IS PATHETIC, get a life XD but what can I say, I love manga&anime. And you can read manga + be gal just fine >:D REFER TO PICTUTRE)
  • Eaten so much sugar and candy, thanks to my uncle being a baker and always making too much cake for his kids' b-days so basically throwing 50000 calories down our throats.
  • Done a minimum of homework, I cannot believe we only had 2 hours of work
  • Bought too many things, need to spend less
Okay, the very random post will now end. I'm slightly hyper thanks to Sokka being so funny all the time(currently watching Avatar).
