Viser opslag med etiketten assault. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten assault. Vis alle opslag

lørdag den 27. februar 2010

Social life with the problems coming along

So I went to my school's combined dress-your-classroom-up and year party yesterday. My class had voted for the theme of the class to be Las Vegas, but since we hadn't really started making any stuff for decorating we changed it to Slumberparty/movie night since it would be so much easier. We said to come in pyjamas and bring blankets and pillows to decorate. It ended up being Seline, Benedicte and myself that did all the decorating because everyone else came when the PARTY started instead of when the DECORATING started. And they didn't bring anything OR wear pyjamas.
I thought I couldn't be angry after the assault, but seems like my class does that to me...

Better picture of my outfit. My smile is so stiff, it seems so fake, haha ;o

Today I had a take-care-of-myself day. Took a warm tub bath for 1.5 hours and relaxed a lot. I took off my nails, which almost lasted for 2 weeks o.o, and they look horrible now. Man, reminds me of the reason I only use tips - that way only the upper half of my nail is damaged.

I'm pretty down to earth now, the chok of the assault is pretty much gone. Now it just seems like a dream, that I don't want to believe in.
I talked to the police yesterday in school and this Monday or Wednesday I'll be coming over to the primary school next to my high school to look at class pictures and see if I regognize anyone.


torsdag den 25. februar 2010

Harmony and chaos

From my Bali trip in 2007. I was smaller back then - 13 years old-, but I would never have been able to do something cruel at that time.. And we could just play with the delfins. They didn't fear us, they lived with the people of Bali in harmony.

I was assaulted yesterday in front of my school by a bunch of 10-year olds. I was so afraid, because I know children at Nørrebro- where my school is situated - walks around with knives on them. They kicked my friend and I and threw ice-snow at our heads. And tore a lot of hair out of my head on the right side. It hurt so much and I am still in chok... everything is chaotic.

Update over.
