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Viser opslag med etiketten project. Vis alle opslag

lørdag den 28. maj 2011

Melting misfits

So what have I been up to these days? Well, I've been watching a little bit (read: all of) the British tv series Misfits! More than half a year ago one of my girls told me a lot about it and I just knew I had to watch it. It took a while for me to actually start seeing it, but then I'd seen it all in two days!
I really am such a marathoner. I can't stop watching if I know there's more.

Misfits is about 5 convicted youngsters in community service. None of them have known each other beforehand but when they're at the community center a violent storm travels part London. Little by little the youngsters discover that they have been granted powers - one can read minds, another can turn invisible. But the powers bring the lot of them in some rub and suddenly they've got more than puny little crimes on their criminal records - and only strangers to rely on.

I think it's spectacular. Drama, violence, romance, humor, increasingly great acting - what more can I ask? The plot twists, turns and rewinds all the time and I never knew where the story would go next! Mighty fine series indeed. How am I supposed to wait until bloody September for season 3?!

Other than watching this excellent show I've been having a little project in the rain. I bought some shrink plastic and experimented a little bit with it...

I've been wanting one of those melting "chanel" necklaces for a long while. And I decided it was time to try and make one myself. So I found an image of the logo, printed it out in my desired size and cut it out in the shrink plastic! It shrinks to 1/3 of the original size and you're not supposed to make anything bigger than 12 cm in the original size... And my pendant was twice as big haha.

I think I did all right!

I've been off make-up for the past week or so. My allergies for grass etc. have returned after one blissful year without them. And my eyes have been so heavy and swollen all week long. Please go away soon, stupid grass!

But then it really cheers you up when your parents leave you bread + muffins from the bakery - and even accompanied by one of my father's cheesy drawings I've grown up with.

Until next time...


tirsdag den 19. april 2011

Moony accesory

Ever since I flipped through the "Show the readers your room" pages in the February issue of Egg, I've been working on a project for my room. I saw Aina's room:

You see that cool thing she keeps her earrings in on her wall? I was really taken by the idea, so I went to Ikea and bought something I could use for it. And yesterday I finally got my own up and running.

I love it already! I even got room for my glasses and necklaces. I can see ALL of my jewelery now - and it's so manageable.

The moon was orange yesterday. That's a first for me!


torsdag den 26. august 2010

Putting dates down with fashion

I've been urging to do this to my 2010/2011 school calender for quite a while now. I think the ones you buy are just way too ugly, so I out pretty faces on my home-made cover. I pick what inspires me and work like a maniac for some hours.

I also did my calender last year and that one looked like the picture above. I really liked that one and it's wierd that I can't seem to find it. I had it home with me from Japan, but I haven't seen it since I unpacked...

This was the final result for this year's cover! It's not perfect but I don't care. I want to be able to see that apair of shaky and excited hands have put it together. Man, it was really a puzzle! To get all the different forms to look good with each other, haha!

So now I'll be able to go to school with my gal pride intact! Haha.

School is really hard. Getting to know people, finding my place in an already established class, doing double homework because I have to read what they read last year etc... And work isn't making it any better... I think I'll have to quit working in H&M.. It is really too stressful as it is now...


torsdag den 1. juli 2010

Back in business

I believe I forgot to tell you I was featured in this June's issue of Eleanorzine. They had theme about gyaru and there's a whole bunch of western gal interviews. I'm at pages 26-30 and 57.

Today I went to work from 9-7. Yesterday I worked as well and afterwards went for some swim work-out for 2 hours. Yesterday that seemed like the greatest, most bubbly idea ever. But today my body was done for already when I came to work. And then there was so many hours ahead of me... I can be so bogus sometimes.
But! There was a great surprise for me at home.

INTERNET. Proper internet! The company workers came and fixed it while I was at work and now everything is going so smooth and quickly! I can't believe how happy I am about this! It's like being freed from a heavy burden - and it was only internet. It's so wierd how dependant I have come to be of internet connection.

Monday I made my second-in-line sewing project: my floral jumpsuit. I myself LOVE it. It is so comfortable and I think it looks cute as well. And today I wore it for work.


tirsdag den 8. juni 2010

Dressed Maxi

I finally found time to sow my maxi dress yesterday and I finished it kind of in a hurry. I had come to the conclusion that I didn't LOVE the print, so I wasn't really doing my best at sowing. I think the flowers are to much lined up in a fixed pattern and that wasn't my actual plan. So the dress isn't like how I pictured it in my head. Oh well, not every project goes well.

Damn, my internet is so slow. My parents and neighbors accidentally drilled through my family's net cable while gardening. So now we're using the neighbors' net. And because we're not ON their houseground it is so slow. Damn. That's the reason why I have been slacking off in aspects of posting.

I love looking at old mags. So much stuff you didn't really pay attention to. Like Yumachi from last summer's Egg. Not many was crazy about maxies at that time and we all are now ;)

I'm doing a make-up post tomorrow. Talking about my routines etc., haha.


mandag den 17. maj 2010

Loving the lovely stuff

I feel very inspired by this. I'm thinking of sewing something like this if I find the perfect fabric. But for now I've found some nice floral fabric for a lovely maxi dress, so that'll be my next sewing project. I'll probably make it some time next week.

I've decided to cosplay Haku for my first crossplay. I've loved him since I saw Spririted Away for the first time ! I really can't wait. It'll probably be done for Genki Con this year in August.

Also, I am looking forward to the Avatar movie! Or as the name has now been edited into, The Last Airbender. I really hope it'll be awesome, because I've been waiting for it ever since I heard of it. Here's a trailer:

Urg, just from that I'm fangirling.


mandag den 12. april 2010

Living on the stripes of stars and at the heart of Union Jack

I finished my secret project! It's a helmet!

I have a pair of white side-by-side roller blades with pink and red wheels, so I wanted a helmet that could match with that!

Isn't it great? I'm already loving it to pieces. I know the lines aren't 100 % straight and it's not perfect, but it's the best I can do at the moment.
The helmet started out gray. Gray and compleately boring.

I bought it off (a danish site somewhat like Ebay) for 11 DKK + shipping. It ended up on 86 DKK and I got some adult safety gear for inliners too! Both hand, arm and knee safety parts! It was unbelievable cheap, because just the helmet usually costs 200 DKK or above !

I was so lucky and now I'm really happy i bought that set!

I have a weak point (more of an obsession, really) for red x blue x white, and I've been wanting this Rose Fan Fan shirt for such a long time.
I was shocked when I saw it for 15 euros on a gyarus' sales post and didn't think twice about getting it.


lørdag den 10. april 2010

Creative is my middle name

I'm doing another project. That always pumps me up.
I had to do some of it outside so I was thrilled that the weather was warm and sunny. Otherwise it had been a pain to do.
Can you guess what I'm doing? Haha, no that's impossible.

Also, I'm going to see Kick-Ass at at preview showing at midnight today! It's not coming in cinemas here until the 15th, so I'm looking forwardto it! It looks so cool! What do you think about it?

tirsdag den 16. februar 2010

Turning super?

Sooo, I finished my PROJECT! I'd seen Yumachi wearing these wayyy to cool jeans in the February issue of Egg and I was inspired! I completely adore superheroes, so I was sold at once !
I know it's really hard to see, but it is also a very small picture in Egg, so this is the Egg jeans:

And here is my finished result ;P I think I'll really use these jeans now - before they were ugly and big, but I sew them up and in and now they fit me much better! Can't wait to wear them <3>

I bought these booties yesterday as well - as Yin mentioned in the comments last post.
When the weather is decent enough to wear high heels I'll totallt wear them :3

I went to my braces dentist today. I'm wearing this brace every day 4 hours and all night. Man, my teeth kinda hurt right now D: the braces were tightened today, that's why.
Wow, I just realized that I'm wearing this sweater on a lot of pictures in this blog. It's just so warm, and there's so cold outside <3


mandag den 15. februar 2010

Happy Valentines

Happy (late) Valentines! You all had a nice day? I went out with Yin, Stine and Anne and we saw Valentines Day ;p it was actually better than I'd thought it would be and we laughed a lot. So it was funny but had a suckish plot - a nonexisting plot, that forgot it only happened in 1 day XD

Today I worked on my SECRET PROJECT. Uhhh ~ will post the finished result tomorrow ;p

Then I went to work, wearing this :
It's crazy how easy it's become for me to wear nails. In the beginning I could do nothing with them on, and now I can do whatever I want to. Pratice has made me better 8D

I bought these boots today for 40 DKK <3

Until tomorrow :p