A very happy new year to all of you! I hope you all had a happy last day of 2012!
For my New Year's celebrations I went to dinner at Rasmus' along with Tina. We had a great, relaxed time and saw the Queen's speech as tradition says.
With stomachs full we went to Julie's party.
At the stroke of midnight we jumped into the new year hand in hand and a lot of the others went outside the set fire to the massive amount of fireworks that the hosts had bought. I stayed inside in safety, haha.
We played around with some sparklers I'd brought along.
Everyone looked so pretty ! And Rasmus found the table bombers to not be quite in his tastes, haha - it was a party of 15 girls and 2 blokes.
Goofing around is part of the festivities!
Stuffing our mouths with chips, yes. And one of my xmas presents was this caviar nail art kit - so I tried it out for the first day of '13.