Viser opslag med etiketten nails. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten nails. Vis alle opslag

mandag den 28. januar 2013

Belated greetings

 A very happy new year to all of you! I hope you all had a happy last day of 2012!
For my New Year's celebrations I went to dinner at Rasmus' along with Tina. We had a great, relaxed time and saw the Queen's speech as tradition says.

With stomachs full we went to Julie's party.

At the stroke of midnight we jumped into the new year hand in hand and a lot of the others went outside the set fire to the massive amount of fireworks that the hosts had bought. I stayed inside in safety, haha.

We played around with some sparklers I'd brought along.

Everyone looked so pretty ! And Rasmus found the table bombers to not be quite in his tastes, haha - it was a party of 15 girls and 2 blokes.

Goofing around is part of the festivities!

Stuffing our mouths with chips, yes. And one of my xmas presents was this caviar nail art kit - so I tried it out for the first day of '13.

fredag den 19. august 2011

Green office

While in Malaga, I tried on a pencil skirt for the first time in Mango. And since I've been thinking lately that every woman/girl ought to have at least one as part of their wardrobe, I bought it. And yesterday I wore it out. My class mates were so surprised haha! It is a very different look...
Also, I did my nails for the first time in about 2 months. I can't wear colorful nails in Disney and I'm too much of a one-week-nails-girl to remove the polish two times a week. Boy, it feels good to have them polished again! I feel happy whenever I look down on them.

And on to a wholly different matter. I went to watch The Green Lantern yesterday, as it premiered in Denmark on the 18th. We were 7 girls together but other than us the theater was dominated by men. So entertaining to hear manly laughs/grunts all the time.

It was all right. Not really good but not complete shit either.
Things I liked: The soundtrack, the old-school-comic feel of the movie, Blake Lively's pretty face (she is GOR-GE-OUS) and the sometimes smart dialogue.
Things I did not like: Slow start on the plot, too quick end/win, the fugly mask on Ryan's face and Blake's character's non-existing degree of independence.


mandag den 21. marts 2011

Lengthy soul

While watching Big Fish this Saturday I made some new nails. I was in need of some lenght and some spring colours!
Today spring was really noticeable - sun and about 7 degrees. Unfortunately snow will fall once again in just two days...

... so better make the best of it while it's here! I finally got around to wearing my lovely trench. Status: Still loves it to pieces.

I also did one of the most bizarre things I've ever done this weekend. I watched the live broadcast of the ABC family Harry Potter weekend with my friend Kristine, whom is located all over in Jutland. So we watched online live american television online together. Seriusly, that is bogus.

Give me your soul by ~Liv-is-alive on deviantART

I'm really slow when it comes to my deviantart. So I uploaded one of my fave shots from the InuYasha shoot in Octobre TODAY. And I think some more will be added in the next months... I just think it's nicer when there's more than a week between submissions.


torsdag den 16. december 2010

Relaxed funkyness

Look what came in the mail - my Konad nail art things! If you haven't heard about this series, don't feel bad - I didn't either before two weeks ago. One of my followers and frequent commenters Ruth made a review about the product series on her blog a while back. That's how I found out about it!

It's really a clever idea. You have the image plate with the desired pattern. You fill it out with nail polish, scrape off the undesired nail polish and tranfer what's left of the polish over to the rubber stamper. Then you roll the pattern across your own nail. Simple and easy!

... sort of any way. It took me a littel while to figure out excatly how much polish I should use, how to tranfer etc. So the result isn't all that. But practice makes perfect!

When I left this container in the morning it was empty. And then I came home to all that candy. Awww thanks dear parents! That totally saved my day, haha.

I finally decorated my room for christmas. Usually I do it the 1st of December, bur because of all that's been going on I only just did it this Sunday. Which is really sad because it creates such a cozy atmosphere.
God Jul means "Merry Christmas" in danish.

God, I love those.. snow globes? Is that the correct name? The ones I have date some years back, so they remind me of the past - in a good way.

I'm going to dine with my classmates and teachers in a bit. This will be fun - we're planning on getting our teachers drunk.


torsdag den 2. december 2010

Christmassy mood

Christmas is over us! Merry 2nd December everyone! I absolutely adore Christmas and I really think I always will. Usually I start singing x-mas carols in Octobre - and then I'll be psyched when the 1st of December arrives!

I did some x-mas nails. Really, really quickly. I spent about 20 minutes on them, so they're not amazing, haha. But whenever I look down and see them I can't help but smile and feel the christmas mood rise.

Details. The christmas tree sucks so bad!! My snow flakes turned out all right though.

I've been going to school these past three days. But now I really can't take it anymore. My body us exhausted and filled to the brim with sickness. So I'm staying home tomorrow... Being sick isn't exactly how I planned to start December, hahah.

Here in Denmark we have chocolate calenders. 24 small chocolates - 1 for each day. I don't really know if this is something other countres have as well?
I've had a chocolate calender every christmas since I was 2 years old.
I am so happy that I got this Toy story one! Usually all the calenders just include the same chocolates - just the covers of the calenders are different. But when I opened the first hatch yesterday, I was surprised...

A tiny Jessie on a chocolate! So great! And today it was an alien from Pizza Planet!! I'm really excited about this, haha.


fredag den 24. september 2010

Naivety 'n' memories

I did my nails!! I actually made them for Kita last weekend, but since it was all spent in cosplay I didn't get to wear them. But oh well, then I'll wear them now! I love how I can always correct the nail art mistakes I make - if there's suddenly too many things on the nail you just smack a huuuge rhinestone on and then it looks good again!

I love wearing nails. Gives me such happiness, haha, how dumb it may sound. I think my fingers are sort of short and chubby, but when I wear my nails long the fingers seems longer and slender - more feminine.

School is hard atm. Like, really bad. I spend 7 hours on my math assignment the other day and didn't even finish it. They've learned so much last year that I haven't and it's just impossible to follow what the teachers say sometimes - because I need background knowledge that I've never been taught. And it's hard trying to learn it all self-studying.
Not that I thought it was going to be easy. I just didn't think it would be this tough.

At times like that it's always good to remember good stuff from the past. Like me going to the Muse concert here in Copenhagen with the darling Simone. It was such a FANTASTIC concert - it worked much better on the stage we had than the one in the youtube video because they had a bigger stage here. My heart is beating furiously just remembering.


mandag den 28. juni 2010

Shrieking witches

This Wednesday was the Saint Hans evening. Danes gather to look at a burning fire in wich there stands a witch. I don't even know the history of the tradition, but it has something to do with how things were back in the Middle Age where witches were burned all over Europe.
Today it's just like a national camp fire. We find it fun and relaxing to watch the flames. There's almost always little fireworks in the fire, the ones that shriek - that way the witch is kind of screaming.
I went with my parents this year. It was a very organized Saint Hans fire and therefore not as relaxing as it could have been. Still very fun though. They let about 60 little air balloons up in the air, which was very pretty.

This was what I wore. I got to wear the shoes Sørine gave to me ! They really make me happy haha. But after some hours I had a couple of blistards.

It's funny. I never wear my nails nude anymore. If I do, they get ruined at work. So the nail polish is kind of a protection cover. Very smart.

I never had a space between my front teeth before. Now I do and it only took 24 hours for it to get like that. You have noooo idea how much it hurt. I almost couldn't talk.
