Viser opslag med etiketten beauty. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten beauty. Vis alle opslag

onsdag den 24. marts 2010

Is this called school?

This week has been ridiculous. Because of midterms, study trips and teacher's vacation we haven't been attending school as normal. Monday we had 4 lectures, Tuesday and today we had 3 and tomorrow will be 2. I mean, it takes the same time to get to and from school as the "school day" takes.
But I don't really want to wake up at 10 in the week days, so I've been getting out of bed around 8 o'clock these days. Get something out of the day!
Also, we're going on Easter holiday this Friday, so why couldn't they just have given us a week more off?

Yesterday I read some manga by Ao Mimori - one of my fave manga-kas, she's got a great fashion taste - and one of the girls had that braid-on-both-sides-of-the-face 'do. I wanted to try it and I really like it ! No hair in my face and it looks pretty cute, doesn't it?

This is so SWEET. I really want to wear bows in that style now, haha.

Oh yeah! I've made another rule:
- I will not manipulate my pictures in Photoshop or anything like that!
I really think it's a problem that even bloggers, who start to make loads of followers, start removing their flaws. It creates a wrong picture of how one should look! I think it's wrong to look picture-perfect like the photoshopped models and therefore I won't hide my flaws like that - if make-up doesn't cover it, it'll be in my pictures.
And if i shop my pictures, for example for photoshoots, I'll note that I have done so below the picture.

These nails are so fun, haha.(Not mine)


fredag den 19. marts 2010

Beauty isn't everything...

... But I still wanna look good!
I got my eyebrows fixed! FInally! So they went from upper to lower picture. I kinda like that they're not too thin, because I keep thinking that if I get too tiny brows I won't be able to look good when I get older - I hate seeing older women with tiny lines over their eyes. So I'm pretty satisfied with them!

Also, I went to my braces dentist the other day and got new colors. Two kind of green, white and yellow! If I smile more, will spring come quicker?

This is a good picture of my make-up. My blush really shows in picture - my new cam does that. I love it <3
