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torsdag den 19. april 2012

Winning London - Part 2

After having slept for 12 wondrous hours (we had to wake up at 4 in the morning on the day of our flight) we went in the tube. And saw these funky little men! They were so cool and brought smiles to our faces. Only afterwards we thought of the fact that it would have been so grand to have taken them home as a souvenir!! But then again, it was street art meant to be in the tube.

We went to the Millennium Bridge (since it was destroyed in HP5) to see it's modern grandeur! And boy, was it pretty. But I was surprised to see how narrow it was in real life - in my head it was about double the actual width. It was so windy!
And apparently the tall building behind me is London's highest spot?

We saw Tower Bridge as well!
I had talked with one of my old friends Josephine about getting together in London, since she is an au pair in a British family at the moment. And we had arranged for Millennium Bridge to be our rendez-vous point! But it took us quit a while to locate her...

... In the end she MAGICALLY appeared, haha! And since it was so windy it was also very cold, so we hurried into the main land.

Where we passed Shakespeare's Globe Theatre! Me having read a lot of his plays - mainly in school - was super-duper excited about it, but the others also liked it due to its appearance in Doctor Who, haha.

We found out that the next stop on our Thursday-plan was sort of far away, but it would take just as much walking if we took the nearest Underground stations... So we walked there anyway.

But I was content, since we walked by some really crazy buildings! I love these kind of architectural places.

And then we were finally there - Leadenhall market! Sadly it did not really live up to our expectations... It was not as big as we had been led on to think. Still very pretty though!

We walked around it for a bit, but did not find any suitable lunch places as we had been planning to.

And when we found Twilight chocolate, we thought it was time to be heading on, haha...
Where do you think we went? I guess that last picture is an excellent hint...


onsdag den 18. april 2012

Winning London - Part 1

So! My 2-week Easter holiday has already passed in all its glory. But I thought I'd tell you good folks about the British side of that glory... Since I went to London with Kristine and Astrid! It was my second time there (even though I was 9 and only stayed 2 days) but the girls' first!

We landed in the morning on the 4th and drove with a pre-hired cabbie into town and our hostel. And then we proceeded to go out and explore the city!

Hold on tight, 'cause this is going to be a long one...

I can't remember the name of this small park, but it was so pretty and cosy! We ate our first meal there looking up on London Eye through the trees.

And then Big Ben! I never got to see it last time, but I have to be honest... I expected it to be a wee bit bigger. And it was sooo utterly crowded with tourists around it, so we quickly got out of the way.

We quickly realized that a big ad campaign for the Warner Bros. Studio Tour was happening... and this was exciting to us, since the whole reason for our trip was the Sunday with to the Harry Potter Studio Tour! It was really cool to see the whole city Pottered up.

Westminster was riiight next door to Big Ben(ley - which I keep saying thanks to Cars 2, haha).

We'd liked to go inside and have a look around, but after having seen the enormous line we decided not to. Too much effort for "just another church" - even though it is absolutely beautiful. And when we went en route towards Buckingham Palace the "three big ones" were nicely standing in line.

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It was really funny how a big part of the city was old or at least built in a old-fashioned style and then sometimes something shining and new just popped out of nowhere.

I was caught on the wrong side of the street... :C

New Scotland Yard (hihiihihihihi, BBC Sherlock) and the great palace of the Queen.

I really liked the statue! And the Queen did not come out to greet us, even though the raised Union Flag told us she was inside the palace.

From Buckingham Palace we moved on to Kensington Gardens, where we had great adventures. While our feet began to ache greatly we saw swans (which is not at all a rare sight in Denmark...)!

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And we saw a squirrel! A GREY squirrel! It was so cute with its little nut held in its' tiny little hands.
I do believe Astrid was quite enthusiastic.

But the main reason for our Kensington Garden visit was the Peter Pan statue. We arrived at a good time, since we had the boy who never grows up all to ourselves for about 10 minutes before others started swarming into the little spot reserved for his statue.

The details were so bloody amazing! I was really baffled and could not help myself for stroking my hands across it all the time. I could have spent all afternoon there, haha!
Peter Pan is my favourite book and yes, I was happy about being there in the moment but it was not until afterwards that I greatly appreciated the experience of seeing the statue. It really meant a lot to me.

Developing an instant photo while drinking Milkyway and Mars chocolate drinks!

We had been walking around confused about the whereabouts of the statue and only afterwards we found it on signs... all the other signs had not been including it! So typical.

From Notting Hill Gate tube station we went to Earls Court in order to locate the old police box (TARDIS) which is still there after all these years. We all had a small fangirling seance.

Doctor! Doctor! Let us innnn!

Just beside the blue box a small frozen yoghurt shop was offering a place for us to sit down. So we went inside and saw their funky upstairs lounge!

It was our first time tasting frozen yoghurt! Mine was honey and it was heavenly.

We could see the phone box from the window and slowly our happiness rose - so naturally we had to snap a few more photos before heading towards the last stop of the day...

... British Museum!

"And let thy feet
Millenniums hence
be set in midst of knowledge"

The entrance hall was superb and so filled with light! We quickly moved towards the Egyptian exhibition, since that olden culture has been a passion of mine through most of my childhood.

And I got to see the Rosetta Stone! That was a life goal of mine some years back - so quite an achievement on my part. We were supposed to see the Antique Greek part as well since Kristine loves that!, but suddenly the museum closed. We had planned for it's closing to be around 5-6, but it closed earlier than that. So sad!

Buuuut the girl got to buy some sweet - and cheap! - books in a local book store instead.
