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onsdag den 1. november 2017

Animal Pride

The weather was amazing and I dressed up a bit for a Bastard cafe board game afternoon with Emi and Rasmus.

One sunny afternoon I rushed to Zoo for my first visit on my annual pass. I didn't have long, but I just wanted to make the most of the sun. And I saw the new elephant ! In the beginning it was sleeping and all the adults that came by were so annoyed by that - rude much? Just wait for it to wake up if it is that important to you haha. However cute it was part of everyone's attention was on these small ducklings and their mum.

I had such a good time that I didn't pay attention to the time and I ended up almost getting locked into the park after closing...

Sunny days meant outside board gaming with Rasmus and a screening of Shaun of the Dead with Maria!

It was my first time watching it and it lives up to the hype. It was such a good time but PostBox is right by an open area so it got really chilly haha.

I re-dyed my hair! 
Stine's birthday party was really nice and I enjoyed everyone's company. I was really tired tho so I crawled my way back home instead of hitting the town with them.

It was a meteor shower night too, so I spent an hour in the garden on a waterproof comforter - stargazing. I saw a good amount of shooting stars and slept happy.

I finally cleaned my Sally up and took her for a spin. I kept going for a long time to recharge the battery - I almost hit Frederikssund!

It was a liberating night though and I ruminated my thoughts in beautiful settings. It got super cold in the end and a deeply frozen Liv stopped for a hot beverage at Rasmus' on the way back.

I went to Zoo once a week to draw and it felt like I was making progress - I've never really drawn animals much.
I can't help taking photos too though - the young lions are too cute!!

When Zoo closed I was left wanting more, so I took Sally for a long detour home.

I was happy to finally get to use my Vespa again. I missed it a lot in LA.

It was time for Pride and I went in to Drag Night on Friday.

Me and Maria had a good time! I ran into some Disneys before finally finding Maria in the crowd and we ended up in a good spot standing on a cement block looking over the crowd. It was a long but good show and we surprisingly stayed for the whole thing! It was meant to be a very rainy night, but it only drizzled a little.

Saturday was main Pride time. I glittered up!

I was too late to start in the parade but I managed to track down Louise and her squad further down the route. It was fun! But we were in a slow part of the parade.

I then found some other people who stayed on Pride Square (Peter, Philip...)

We grabbed food really late at Bastard Cafe and then I went to watch the Drag performance.

Starring Kenneth! He did so good. I then met up with the Disneys and later Kenneth too. It's always fun to go to things where you can jump between groups and it was an insanely social day haha.