Viser opslag med etiketten cosplay. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten cosplay. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 31. oktober 2017

Genki Angeleno

Fresh back from India with a new miniature on my iMac dash I soaked my body to recover from the long flight home.

Emma and Smølf were in town for Genki and stopped by mine for a relaxing afternoon and a short sculpture hike.

I cut my hair, snip snip.

And made Starfire in like 2 days. I styled the wig the morning of the con haha.

Off to Saturday Genki! Seeing the show, doing games and taking advantage of the sun the few hours it shone.

Louise was my Rayray and it was amaziiing, such fun!

Emma and I snapped some photos as the sun set.

And since Genki was the same weekend as NCC they streamed the event! We saw it in the lounge and it was a really good time - it was so fun to see it as a big group.

I wasn't originally going to go Sunday, but decided to do it anyway since I didn't have anything better to do. And I threw on my Ladybug.

We didn't stay long, but it was long enough for the heavy rain that arrived to have made the passage to the car.... difficult. 
The skies in those days were amazing though!

I drew outside every chance I got and listened to Harry Potter while eating pears from the garden.

And I joined Rikke for Saturday Night Fever outside in the rain! Danish summer y'all...

I then did a heavy cleanout of my belongings. I threw out and gave away sooo much. And I still have a gazillion things.

 I had bought tickets for Hunchback of Notre Dame for me and Hannah when she was coming. I had mistaken the AM-PM of her arrival though, so she wasn't in town yet when the curtain rose. I did however managed to get Maria to join me. It was a really good show - much better than their past two Disney shows. In this one they'd found a level that really fit their budget and didn't leave me with a feeling that it would be so much better on Broadway.

But Hannah got to town that night! And the next day was beautiful and so we went on the canals.

We got ice cream to feel a little more energized and then walked down to the basic mermaid. We then headed back home for dinner with the Dutch family that was also in town - before going to Tivoli at night!

We only JUST made it to the Cinderella ballet (design by Her Majesty)  which was super cute. I took a ton of gesture refs.

And then we walked the park!

 We only went on the Flying Trunk as I wanted to show that one to Hannah - I think it inspired It's A Small World after all. It was raining a bit by then, but that didn't stop us or others from dancing to the horrible live music on the lawn.

And we saw the light show and the fireworks (a first for me in Tivoli!).

By this point we were knackered and crawled home.

 Up and at 'em! Another beautiful day and we headed to Frederiksberg for Stella Polaris, the free electronic festival. And the Chinese house was even open! So we looked at that while eating free ice cream.

We had a few good hours, walking around the park, sitting playing UNO and drawing. Then we headed back home to watch...

 ... the Netherland VS Denmark match! I mean, both countries were represented on our couch after all. I then drove Hannah to the airport!