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Viser opslag med etiketten sick. Vis alle opslag

torsdag den 10. oktober 2013

In sickness and Ice

I was sick for a week, healthy for a week and now I am on week 3 of my doomsday dry cough caused by my asthma! Happy!!! (not)
Planes premiered in Denmark and we started our new super fun event in-store. We get to fold paper planes with the children and it's a fantastic event, arrr I really love it!

I went on the big introduction trip with my new course at university. Naturally I brought loads of snacks, since I eat more than three times a day. The theme was horror so we started with a zombie apocalypse run about the grounds and the older students were just amazing, haha! They also planned a pretty scary night-time treasure hunt for us.
And of course party every night.

 The days were spent quizzing, relaxing and we all saw Aladdin together as well! The weather has been getting colder and colder this past month but just this weekend the sun actually peeked out and made the trip all the more fantastic.

The trip is organized and excecuted entirely by our older classmates and they did an unbelievable job. Performances, theme bars, concerts... I thought they'd never stop doing something new and dazzling for us haha! 
The last night we had a galla and we dressed up nicely.

We're 2/3 made out of girls, so the line of blokes didn't quite make for a male date for everyone. But we're already really close across all the study groups and it was super fun.
... Dessert was bloody delicious.

 I drew a bloke from my study group and I'm kissing our older mentor, haha. Later we ended up singing old Beatles songs and playing piano - very uncharacteristic of a film- and media class, we were told by our older peers.
It's tradition to "ice" each other (smirnoff ice). It's a very nice thing to do - it's like telling someone that "you're a nice person" while humiliating them publicly. It quickly escalates to apples, lollies and other things over the months though... Looking forward, hah!

My local station has undergone maintenance work and it went through a very omnious time where only the travel card lights lit up the darkness...

Non-picture events:
- I finally met Tina's British boyfriend
- I held Stine's little baby girl in my arms

I'm constantly trying to find refugees in between reading massive amounts of texts for classes. Today I watched Pitch Perfect while soaking. I'm telling you it worked wonders.

mandag den 2. maj 2011

Sporty baking

Last week the weather was brilliant and sunny almost every day! It was such an incredibly uplifting sensation - all the bitterness of winter took of immediately.

The tree outside my window is in bloom. It's so pretty. It makes me smile when I wake up and look out at all them flowers. It's like they are telling me: "Don't give up, only 2 weeks until the study vacation starts!"

The excellent weather also had me going out in my garden. I lay there on my own or with my mother or friends. Either sleeping or reading some comic book.

But the differences in temperatures outside and inside my school have now made me sick. Once again. I swear, if I'm not fit for fight this Friday (where SVScon starts), I'm going to... to...

In other news - I met up with some of my future Disney Store Copenhagen colleagues this Saturday. We had a movie night and saw some of the movies the majority had not watched or had not watched in a long time. So that was The Princess and the Frog (which was better this time), Bambi (wow, couldn't remember much from that one!) and then Sleeping Beauty.
I bakes those sugar dough cookies! It was fun to bake them, but sort of a failed mission - the shorts were supposed to be much redder.

It was really great getting to know some of them a little. I didn't participate in one Disney Store meeting because I was in Barcelona, so I hadn't met the complete cast. Now I've met some of it. Nice having some faces to put with the names.

mandag den 14. februar 2011

Incredibly obvious

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you spent the day with lovers and/or loved ones !
I myself spent the day in bed. Sick again. Yes, very sucky. I watched some romantic movies with my mom though and that was very nice.

I'm not really sleepy so I think I'll squeeze one more movie in before bed time. And yes, that'll be Moulin Rouge. It's been too long since I saw it last - probably because I only have it on VCR and therefore have to go through a little rub before I can watch it. Gotta prepare for some crying, haha!

The horrible giggle-picture only made it here because it's all right to be horribly gigglish and girly on Valentine's. Right?!? .... Riiight....

I hope you all had an awesome day - regardless if you celebrated Valentine's or not.

Kisses and love from me to you all.

søndag den 23. januar 2011

In friendship and in health

Last week we had two days where we only had to be in school for 2 hours!! So neat, haha. Friday we were free to go at 12 and some girls from my class went by my place. It's the first time someone from my class had been in my house so I was a little self conscious with all my manga/anime posters on my walls. But they just told me my room looked like they'd pictured it.

They looked through ALL my egg magazines. Japanese magazines are so different from the western ones and it was very fun to see them become inspired just like I do.
I did their nails and it was all in all very fun. I'm happy that someone from my class has finally been in my home - it makes me feel more like a part of the class.

Saturday I went to Yin's place. It's been soso long and it was very good to catch up. We watched some movies and just chilled.

I almost didn't go though. My mom has been sick the last two weeks and my dad got sick four nights ago. And I felt it coming over me as well. Still I went.
And now I'm so damned sick, haha. It sucksssss.


torsdag den 2. december 2010

Christmassy mood

Christmas is over us! Merry 2nd December everyone! I absolutely adore Christmas and I really think I always will. Usually I start singing x-mas carols in Octobre - and then I'll be psyched when the 1st of December arrives!

I did some x-mas nails. Really, really quickly. I spent about 20 minutes on them, so they're not amazing, haha. But whenever I look down and see them I can't help but smile and feel the christmas mood rise.

Details. The christmas tree sucks so bad!! My snow flakes turned out all right though.

I've been going to school these past three days. But now I really can't take it anymore. My body us exhausted and filled to the brim with sickness. So I'm staying home tomorrow... Being sick isn't exactly how I planned to start December, hahah.

Here in Denmark we have chocolate calenders. 24 small chocolates - 1 for each day. I don't really know if this is something other countres have as well?
I've had a chocolate calender every christmas since I was 2 years old.
I am so happy that I got this Toy story one! Usually all the calenders just include the same chocolates - just the covers of the calenders are different. But when I opened the first hatch yesterday, I was surprised...

A tiny Jessie on a chocolate! So great! And today it was an alien from Pizza Planet!! I'm really excited about this, haha.


tirsdag den 30. november 2010

Farming in the UK

Guess what? The sickness that I've had in my body for the past two months has finally broken all out - until now I'd been able to suppress it. The funny thing is that I've been so busy/stressed out and it's probably only because I willed myself not to be sick that I've been able to keep it down.

Friday's outfit. When I left home in the morning I was wearing my fur tail though. I was stolen from me while I was walking on the street, going home from my braces dentist appointment. I know it was stolen because at one point I knew I had it because a fashion-dude looked at it and then smiled. I then took it in my hand and smiled back. 10 seconds later I noticed it was gone and it was not lying at the ground. Sad much.

For the first time I attended a party at my school. Also Friday.
It was themed so that the 3rd graders went as kings and queens, the 2nd graders as peasants and the 1st graders as slaves or animals. But no one really went as traditional "peasants". We just went in a more farmer-like way. So there was a whole lot of checkered shirts, haha.
I have no idea why I'm wearing a crown in this pic... It was fun enough with dancing, talking and watching drunk people!

Months ago I was photographed with Yin and Stine when we went to the Fashion Week's catwalk-thing. And we searched but didn't find the photo. Until now - and it's probably been online for ages. So funny.
