Viser opslag med etiketten sankt hans. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten sankt hans. Vis alle opslag

mandag den 6. august 2018

Summer Popsicle

One of the things I got for my birthday was this hat. I was pretty sceptical when I got it, but I have been wearing it SO much ever since. It's so nice to wear in the heat and it makes me able to go without sunglasses most of the time! Mother does know best.

Tina and her Oscar.

Wearing my star earrings to be the sheriff to my western t-shirt haha.

I then looked too much on my hair photos from Japan and made a snap decision to dye it again. And I really loved this look!

I felt like a popsicle!

That day I went to the monthly sketch meet too - AND it was Skt Hans. The heat has changed the colour of Denmark (literally, it looks brown from above) so fires are not permitted in this dry summer. At first I felt sad that I wouldn't see the flames this year, but then I changed my mind and thought it was a special occurrence because it is so rare!

So I ended up going to see two "fires"! The traditional one in Tivoli accompanied by live music and an orchestra on old instruments and the modern one at Ophelia Beach.

 That one really was just like the Wave installation from a few years back.

 My parents showed the semi-family the new apartment and we went for brunch afterwards at this super french cafe close by.

 A tiny kitten was friendly.

And the patience was rewarded for this bird in Tivoli.
Also, these full body shots are to take photos of my outfits, but also to try and take some photos in this house before we are moved out. Gotta remember to do those things!

Catching up with Maja over ice cream!

 And trying to feel breezy in the heat.

The new occupants of Maja's old house had gotten chickens without our knowledge, so when I saw this random one walking around on our street I spent a good half hour panicking to catch it and find out where it belonged haha.
 I brunched with a few lovely ladies when Khristine was in town.

And more ended up joining us on a sunny spot in Kongens Have. And I tried to draw this courtyard...

First day of school! Or not.

I had two weeks of going to mind cph and I met up with Stine one of the days and went on a Tivoli walk where we noticed these metallic trees with white flowers for the first time. Looks like metal!

 Cleaning my room I found the last remnants left from LA and Japan that I hadn't scrapbooked yet.

And Maria and I went on a long walk around Frederiksberg, where we found this darling courtyard...

... and I bought some new head scarfs! 

I noticed that Trevor from my gesture class in LA was in Denmark and I wrote to him that I was too. We ended up meeting up Saturday where I showed them around.

We (him and his sister Maggie and I) started on the harbour, swimming at Islands Brygge. They thought it was REALLY cold even tho it was really pretty warm. But Californian sensibilities, you know...

They were getting snacky so I went to Bastard with them - the square outside and inside was completely full because of the jazz festival. We ended up playing a quick game inside anyway and getting some bar food.

Then I told them tall tales of Tivoli and they were really hype for the parade (haha, with Disney expectations that was bound to go wrong) and intrigued by the fact that the queen did the costumes for the plays and the Hobbit illustrations! We ended the night at Sporvejen which they also loved. We really just clicked and had a really great day.

 I then had a few days of quiet before I was heading to Paris for my summer vacay!