Viser opslag med etiketten books. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten books. Vis alle opslag

søndag den 20. marts 2016

Nerdy Cakeland

Last week Jay from Stop Motion took me to Kit Kraft for a panic shop two days before this quarter's final was to be submitted. Kit Kraft is basically a craft store made of dreams - especially for folks interested in miniature. They have almost everything you would need, from mini doors to lamps. And then the "normal" craft store supplies - like gallons of glitter.

I had my last class on Thursday and no finals either. So while everyone else (including my flatmates) were stressing, I started to turn down my levels of anxiety.

I went to campus to fetch free tickets to a show in a few weeks - and I met a countryman !
Saturday then arrived. I had found out about this exhibition called Break Bread at the Think Tank Gallery in Downtown LA. And it was closing Sunday. In a frenzy I had contacted people to make sure I could go with someone - and we ended up with a full car. Fun!

The gallery is in the middle of the fashion district so we got to see a part of the city that is full of life (at least on that Saturday). We took it nice and slow and spent around 2 hours at the (rather small) gallery.

Artworks by Baker's Son (paintings) and Scott Hove (3D stuff) were displayed. Some of the textures Scott used were phenomenal - just look at that tongue!

We then stepped into cakeland in all it's pink and blue glory. Mirrors were everywhere so we really felt engulfed by cake!

There were some other installation rooms and we played around a bit in those too.

But the cake bit was hands down most eye-catching. We then lay down on a bed and took a commemorative photo together and headed out. Cydney left us but the rest of us took a Lyft to the middle of nowhere..

A big warehouse. Downtown in the distance. And Shareen's vintage collection. We spent a few hours trying on dresses from different eras and it was really fun to both play dress-up and actually find things to bring home. It was an expensive outing, but I got these three basically for the price of one back home.

So I was pretty happy! 
We then drove back down to the city center and arrived late to our reservation at Perch. We still got to sit at one of their rooftop tables with a view of the skyscrapers though!

I had a late brunch - their croissant was the best I have ever tasted outside of France! We stayed there and enjoyed the sun and the view while playing cards (tungen ud af vinduet). It was really fun - always good to be more people when playing games.
When it started to get a bit colder we went down to ground level again and walked to The Last Bookstore.

Which is a bookstore that transports you. It had a book maze with magical artworks such a the floating pages and books shown above.

Colour-arranged books? Check. Old books? Check. Too big of a selection and a want to bring home everything? Check.

When we were done browsing the immense selection, we took a lyft back to Westwood. Night had fallen and Downtown looked so pretty with its' many lights.

I got back home to see the photo from the gallery bed and a now fully developed polaroid. 
I had such a fun day - we were all saying how it felt amazing to actually get away from campus and experience something. "We are very happy" was said repeatedly that day (it has become a joke now).