Today was supposed to be a day with 18 degrees. But it wasn't - actually it was really windy and cold. But I wore my new shoes and that msde me happy enough to forget temperatur, haha! They are actually really easy to walk in! And I get so tall...
It sucks that my extension are dried out. I should give them a a reconstructing conditioner...
We got off early today from school so some of my classmates went to Seline's place - she lives like 5 minutes from the school. We had fun with her turtle and saw "Seven" with Brad Pitt, Gweneth Patrow and Morgan Freeman. I really liked it, even though it was a bit oldschool.
Speaking of movies... Imperial is showing Iron-man 1+2 tomorrow because number 2 is premiering Thursday... I so want to go to that event! Its not that expensive, but I don't have tickets and it's probably only the sucky seats that are left...