Viser opslag med etiketten game. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten game. Vis alle opslag

tirsdag den 29. august 2017

Parading through shiny Denmark

I returned from Los Angeles in May and began my week of jetlag with the company of my cherry blossoms. They were so late this year but I was thrilled because it meant I got to see them! And I was also met with a Daft Punk package that had been half a year on the way...

The day after I touched down, me and Emi went to see Jewels at the ballet. Tickets were cheap and we were seated pretty good - we could see the whole stage when we leaned over the rail. Emi was hesitant at first, but as the dancers started she soon forgot her fear of heights.

I enjoyed some hveder with my family and went to a Alice themed birthday with some of the Disneys!

 Eurovision happened with the Broes.

And Tina's Oscar got baptised on a beautifully sunny Sunday.

I wore a pastel dress to match the baby event! And then it was quickly my Mum's birthday.

 During the day on her birthday me and Rasmus went on a hike and sculpture adventure. We saw three of these giants, but I mistakenly deleted photos of the first one while I was in India...

Tilde was my favourite. I loved her scale and the emotion of her peeking through the trees.

 It was a longer trip than we had imagined so we didn't get to the last ones. It was fun tho! A beautiful area.

The next day my parents surprised the whole family by getting married and not inviting anyone but me. We had cheesecake and relaxed in the Botanical Gardens for a bit.

 Since it was May, I drew some more mermaids. Took refreshing baths as well, channelling a mermaid myself haha?

The 4th Sky Doll came out and me and Rasmus held a read-through of all 4 volumes, desperate to see the series end after 10 years of waiting. We went a little mad when we realized during the last 10 pages that it probably wasn't going to end this time around.... It seems the next volume might come out in November tho??

 His sword prop was so cool outside! And we had airbnb guest who enjoyed our outside spaces as well.

 Mum and I went to Glypto and the patio was open! First time I had used that.

After Glypto I met up with the Disneys at the store and we then went to get a beverage before heading to the cinema for the premiere of  the new Pirates! They had a pianist playing the pirate themes and gave rum out haha. A good event with fun people I had missed!

Yeah, we cute.

I went to pick up a borrowed costume at Stine's and had time for a cuppa tea at Rikke's too!

The Disneys enjoyed the summer night that was hot enough to spend partially outside (I did need a hot drink when we went inside though) and we then went into town.

These airbnb guest stayed long enough for us to get to know them which was nice. And we went to a confirmation that I spent doodling everyone and mermaids haha. I got to catch up with Mira too!

I had decided very last minute to go to Aalborg for the annual carnival with a bunch of my friends. I flew over there, which always feels ridiculous.

We went out for ice cream that first night and just enjoyed each other's company at a big dinner.

In the morning all hell broke loose. We walked to one of the rendez-vous points and the parade started heading through the city. It was crazy how many people were there and we had a good time dancing. It was pretty wild.

So when we got to around their flat we went up for lunch and watched the parade from there for a bit.

 Before heading out again for a little bit, resulting in ice cream break.

We then go back pretty quickly the second time and retired our costumes quickly. We had looked cute as a group tho.

After laying in that pile for a while we went for an evening walk around town and went home to play games.

The next morning we had pancake brunch! 

After which we drove to the beach. We ultimately got stuck in the sand and had to be dragged free... And we helped a ton of other stuck cars. Then we did some donuts on the more wet sand that was stuck-proof and headed for ice cream and a walk.

On the way back we stopped at an outlet store and Emma bought some new kicks and I a cap with project in mind... And then we sneaked into a flower field.

I loved when you went inside the flowers. It was like a hidden fantasy world down there, and everything disappeared.

That night I spent an eternity reading through the ElfQuest game rules and we played it through a few times, feeling extremely nerdy. In the morning Smølf got us to spend over three over on this one board game. Board game weekeeeeend!!

Around 6 I took a train back. I worked on a fox that we'd seen in the flower fields - by pure coincidence everyone in the two cars had noticed it, and it had looked back at us.

The next day Stine invited me along to a Baywatch premiere where she was working.

I took the beachy theme to heart. I really liked this look.

 We got a ton of freebies. I spent the next two months eating the candy we got from that. It was a fun film!

And I joined Rie, Michelle and Maria for Distortion at Nørrebro! It was crowded and a very young demographic this year...

I spent a day in Lyngby, dressed old-timey and sketching geese and old buildings.

We found this beautiful spot with flower arches. Dream cosplay shoot right there.

We went to the countryside for family time, I met up with Pernille and I watched Wonder Woman with Rasmus and wept.

 Marie came to visit and we went to a theatre flea marked that had very high prices... But seeing an old veteran car and getting a sundae help. On Sunday she came to visit alongside Rasmus and we played boardgames...

... in the sun too!