Last week the weather was brilliant and sunny almost every day! It was such an incredibly uplifting sensation - all the bitterness of winter took of immediately.
The tree outside my window is in bloom. It's so pretty. It makes me smile when I wake up and look out at all them flowers. It's like they are telling me: "Don't give up, only 2 weeks until the study vacation starts!"
The excellent weather also had me going out in my garden. I lay there on my own or with my mother or friends. Either sleeping or reading some comic book.
But the differences in temperatures outside and inside my school have now made me sick. Once again. I swear, if I'm not fit for fight this Friday (where SVScon starts), I'm going to... to...
In other news - I met up with some of my future Disney Store Copenhagen colleagues this Saturday. We had a movie night and saw some of the movies the majority had not watched or had not watched in a long time. So that was The Princess and the Frog (which was better this time), Bambi (wow, couldn't remember much from that one!) and then Sleeping Beauty.
I bakes those sugar dough cookies! It was fun to bake them, but sort of a failed mission - the shorts were supposed to be much redder.
It was really great getting to know some of them a little. I didn't participate in one Disney Store meeting because I was in Barcelona, so I hadn't met the complete cast. Now I've met some of it. Nice having some faces to put with the names.
love your jacket and the cookies look so yum yum! =)
SvarSletDat Mikey face. Scary.
SvarSletDu ser bare nuttet ud som altid, Liv, og ved du hvad? Du skal ikke være syg til SVS, det skal du bare ikke :(((
Du lavede kagerne <3 De er virkelig søde!!!
SvarSletDit outfit klæder dig så godt :D
Hvor er kagerne seje ö!
SvarSletOmg love the cardigan!! *Q* Og de kager er mega seje! De der shorts XD
SvarSletGOGO, SPORTY GAL! Love your shirt so much :D
SvarSletI hope you owned everyone at work with Sleeping Beauty since we just saw it, haha :'D
is that.. a.. The NEW TEEN TITANS ISSUE?!?!?!?!? *3* love love love love !