So... On the 26th of May I went to my favourite "I sell you foreign magazines!"-store, but they didn't have the new Empire. Then I went to the other two stores I know to sell those alieeen magazines and at the last place they told me they wouldn't receive Empire until the beginning of June. Which brought me the blues, because I was seriously excited about it - it does include a 36 PAGES LONG HARRY POTTER EXTRA.
Yes, that is the one you see on the left.
But well, I finally bought it yesterday - that's when it hit the stores in Denmark. I'm not nearly done reading, but gosh I love it. Worth every penny! (as always with Empire, but this time a little more.)
Also. Today I went to see the Disney Store for the first time. We were all supposed to stay outside and wait for our managers to come out and fetch us. So while waiting we took a group photo! Even though we're missing some people, I really love it.
We were sneaking a peak through the spaces between the doors, tihi! And then we had to line up and close our eyes... because we all had to open up our eyes simultaneously and experience the Disney (Store) magic together. It was really great.
The Store looks so good, even from the outside! That whiteness... And no, the blue cover is not permanent.
Glæder mig vildt meget til d. 16! kommer du til at være der på åbningsdagen også? Det bliver du nødt til! :D
SvarSletJeg er OVERHOVEDET ikke jaloux på dit liv Liv (see what i did there, le funny joke)
SvarSletJeg glæder mig så meget til at se den en dag! <3
SvarSletSo exciting with the Disney store ü Can't wait to visit you in it sometime in the future!!