Wednesday "morning", the doll Kristine came by my place and she just went to another friend's place today! We had looooooads of plans for her stay here, and we actually got around to doing almost all of it!
We chilled in the sun (the weather is amazinnnnnggg atm!) while playing Disney Trivial and found our knowledge in Monsters inc. to be filled with big ass holes. So we watched Monters Inc. which was surprisingly good (it's been about 8 years since I watched it the last time). Oh, and the sign has got the word "bøh" on it - which gets translated into Boo, the darling little human girl in the movie. We just saw it randomly, walking home from the...
... "Kræmmermarked" we went to - it's kind of like a flea market, just bigger (and better? nah, not really.) It's got a mini tivoli with a ferris wheel and all that. We didn't go up in any of the rides though, since they're mainly there for the children.
See? Kids Train. So not really a tivoli for adults/teenagers.
God, I was laughing because of that drawing. I didn't think I'd ever see Woody, Jessie and Buzz portrayed like that!
Kristine being awesome with her bff beard-guy.
We found a stall with all kinds of weird things. And when we saw a pair of Care Bears we just had to get them! BUDDY BEARS, haha.
We had planned to watch all the Harry Potter movies - since we're both hp nerds - but didn't really think we'd make it. But we actually did!
Between film 1 and 2 the actors had already grown soooo much, haha!
I got the part 1 combo pack during Kristine's stay here as well. I knew I would have watched it before she came if I'd gone and bought it. So when we were finished with film 6 we were pretty much feeling the excitement you can see on our lovely faces above.
I had so much fun with her!
Det ser super hyggeligt ud ! Og osse rigtig dejligt at I har udnyttet det gode vejr <3 <3
SvarSletOkay, nu fik jeg læst indlægget igen.. Du er simpelthen for dejlig og det at læse hvad vi havde lavet gør at jeg savner dig HERRE MEGET! Årh altså :C Its like a tiny ball of light in my chest!
SvarSletJeg er så glad for at jeg måtte være hos dig og tilbringe tid med dig for du er fantastisk ja du er så <3
Creepy ToyStory characters :c The care bears are awesome, though :D