Of couse we also visited the Sagrada Familia. We're tourists after all.
Last time I was in Barcelona we saw the work-in-progress too and they were far from finished on the inside. Some of my classmates who'd been in Barce last year told the same tale. So we were all SO surprised to see it finished and shiny and incredibly brilliant in there this time around!
I must admit that it was one of the greatest experiences of the trip. Also because we arrived at a time where there weren't all that many people in there yet. Absolutely perfect!
... And then we took out our calculators and started talking about geometry, calculating functions in 3D.
We came across a huge stand with these city bikes and we all jumped on and started biking away. Only problem was that we couldn't get them separated from the stands. But because of our obvious enthusiasm my teachers decided to rent some bikes for us.
We biked around the beach area which was sooo great! We sang all kinds of danish oldies-but-goldies and childhood songs. It was fun with fun on top.
And then we had to go all the way up to the summit of Mont Juic, the mountain you can spot between the arches in the first picture above.
It was a looooong way up - took us about 2 hours to reach the top.
I was done for, alongside a lot of the others. So some of us had to eat three ice creams in a row to power-up. (I wouldn't recommend the Magic Stars ice cream to anybody.)
But then again, we felt like we had just conquered the world, haha! It felt really good to have used you body too!
And then we took out our sextants and were mathematics geeks once again.
We swung by the Olympic Stadium while we were on Mont Juic as well. It was really fun to see, because I've seen the one in Athens as well!
They had Dunkin' Donuts in Barcelona too! Only... they were called Dunkin' Coffee - weiiird!
Delicious food is delicious. Meet my all-time favourite dessert - chocolate cake with liquid filling.
Ahh the cathederal! I have seen it so many times
SvarSletI think I will go back when its finished for sure!
and omg the magic stars ice cream! DO WANT! :D
Har lige skimtet igennem nogle af dine gamle indlæg & neeeiii, hvor er jeg bare tosset med din blog! Specielt indlægget om OkashiiCon var da genialt :D Har altid selv gerne ville afsted til ComicCon. Det er godt nok ikke helt det samme, men synes det er så fedt at se folk, der virkelig har gjort deres ypperste for at ligne deres yndlings figurer! :D
SvarSletPs. Herlige billeder fra Barcelona, I might add.
Gor-ge-ous church *-* So amazing!!
SvarSletElsker også Chocolate foundant!! <3
SvarSletAnd ooh.. looks so nice and warm.. Not like rainy and typhoinish Denmark D: