mandag den 13. december 2010

Totally awesome oranges

This weekend was pretty well spent. Friday I went to sleep at Louise's place and we talked for 6 hours straight. My voice was done for at that point so we decided to watch A very Potter Musical and Sequal. Like that helped - with all the laughing! It's so damn funny. But upon watching AVPM we were tired so we turned in early.
BEWARE! After watching AVPM you might 1) feel the urge to make hand signs no one else will understand and 2) laugh a lot while reading the books because of something said in the musical.

Saturday I went to my good friend Tink's 18th birthday "open house". Or so I thought. I came at the right time and no one was there except the dear hostess - because it was Sunday. So I just spent some hours there, helping her bake 100 cupcakes for the real party, haha. It was nice but kind of lame that I had mistaken the dates.

In the evening my class' x-mas party was held. We all had to bring a dish for the buffet and after we were finished eating 3/4 of the food remained. And we had really eaten all that we could!

The night passed while we talked, danced and all that. As you can see in the photo above we also did that chair dancing game. Two rounds and I came 2nd in both!! So close to winning, haha.

Almost everyone from the class were there. Only 4 people weren't and then the 3 people who have dropped out also participated.
A lot were dressed in christmas colours, but I was the only one to bring a christmas hat. I quickly took it off because it was too warm though - and then it became everyone's hat.

Aaaah, so much fun we had. Mind that there are two people in that coat!

We also did the good old orange dance. You know, where you have to keep the orange between you while dancing and the couple who can keep it there the longest wins. We didn't really play by those rules though - we just kept replacing the oranges and laughed a lot.
Btw, ewww ghost-arms behiiind me.

I really had a good time!
Sunday I went to a family get-together but actually ended up sleeping on their sofa for 3 hours. Pathetic.


5 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg ved godt jeg er fantastisk for at have vist dig de musical ;D Your life is now totally awesome! ;D
    ps, du er ret pæn <3

  2. HAHAHHAA ser rigtig sjovt ud :D
    Har helt glemt at kommentere din nye header :P Du ser SÅ pwetty sweet ud! <3 elsker det udtryk du laver! HAHA; det er mega kønt samtidig med en smule "goofy" :3

    GO JUL ~ JUUL ~ JLU! ULJ! UJL! Lalalalaa <3

  3. WHO THROWS A PARTY ON A SUNDAY?!?! No wonder you mixed the dates!

    Looks like a fun Christmas party! And you look lovely as usual~

  4. Du danser med Oscar på det sidste billede, right? :D Haha, ret sjovt at du går i klasse med så mange fra min folkeskole!

  5. Liv, you butt trumpet <3
    You look gorgeous as always!
