Some time ago I fell in love with these girls' hair. I think it is THE best. I think there's too much going on in their outfits, but the hairrrrr. It is pure awesome. With hair like that nothing else matters.
So yea, I wanted to try making something similar. It ended up more curly in one side, but whatever. It was so wierd having so big hair, haha. People I know kept touching it too.
And I'd kept saying that it'd be no problem combing it out. But it wasn't. A LOT of hair had to be pulled out and I was so annoyed with myself. It was only one day of having that hair, and now I just want to get my precious hair back.
I don't know if you can see the boy on my shirt. But it is Peter. Yes, THE Peter. I really love Peter Pan! I kind of don't like the Disney movie anynore because I've read the book so much. It's my favourite book of all time and everytime I read it I am heartbroken for a week or more.
I watched the Eurovision Song Contest's Semi finale with my parents yesterday and alone on Tuesday. I don't love it but I like relaxing while I watch it. We do watch it every year, so it's also kind of tradition.
I said I didn't care if Denmark didn't get to the Finale, but I ended up being really nervous when 9 names had been called out and no DK. And then we were the last to come out of a envelope, haha. So I was like YESSS DENMARKKK... haha.