torsdag den 19. april 2012

Winning London - Part 2

After having slept for 12 wondrous hours (we had to wake up at 4 in the morning on the day of our flight) we went in the tube. And saw these funky little men! They were so cool and brought smiles to our faces. Only afterwards we thought of the fact that it would have been so grand to have taken them home as a souvenir!! But then again, it was street art meant to be in the tube.

We went to the Millennium Bridge (since it was destroyed in HP5) to see it's modern grandeur! And boy, was it pretty. But I was surprised to see how narrow it was in real life - in my head it was about double the actual width. It was so windy!
And apparently the tall building behind me is London's highest spot?

We saw Tower Bridge as well!
I had talked with one of my old friends Josephine about getting together in London, since she is an au pair in a British family at the moment. And we had arranged for Millennium Bridge to be our rendez-vous point! But it took us quit a while to locate her...

... In the end she MAGICALLY appeared, haha! And since it was so windy it was also very cold, so we hurried into the main land.

Where we passed Shakespeare's Globe Theatre! Me having read a lot of his plays - mainly in school - was super-duper excited about it, but the others also liked it due to its appearance in Doctor Who, haha.

We found out that the next stop on our Thursday-plan was sort of far away, but it would take just as much walking if we took the nearest Underground stations... So we walked there anyway.

But I was content, since we walked by some really crazy buildings! I love these kind of architectural places.

And then we were finally there - Leadenhall market! Sadly it did not really live up to our expectations... It was not as big as we had been led on to think. Still very pretty though!

We walked around it for a bit, but did not find any suitable lunch places as we had been planning to.

And when we found Twilight chocolate, we thought it was time to be heading on, haha...
Where do you think we went? I guess that last picture is an excellent hint...


2 kommentarer:

  1. Årh gud mit pandehår altså. All dat wind, og jeg synes ikke heeeelt du fortæller sandheden om den chokolade ;D *drille drille* <3

  2. Fede billeder, men jeg glæder mig nu mest til dag 5!! :D
