fredag den 23. maj 2014

May the Force be with Lizzie

The Perks of Being a Cast Member... We got the entire Star Wars saga! I own the old trilogy on VHS, but have been itching to get the dvds for years and years. Turns out I just had to await getting them from the big mouse!
We had a fantastic event in my store for the May The Fourth Be With You-weekend. Saturday we had Stromtroopers in-store!

The forccccceeee. My boss is pregnant and I absolute love that last photo - it's brilliant!

 All weekend we had LOADS of Jedi Training events and I hosted some of them. Due to my obvious femininity I even got girls to join the fun - which more than anything warms my heart. Star Wars is so heavily marketed for boys, but I've been watching them since I was 3 years old with vigorous enthusiasm.

This week my parents took me to see the comedy show Rytteriet. It had some good laughs in it and was definitely worth the trip. We drove right by THE BEST ICE CREAM STORE IN DENMARK and didn't go in "because we had to hurry". We arrived 40 minutes early...

... So they made it up to me with something delicious yesterday. By the gods, it's been hot! I think I ate 3 ice creams yesterday....

We just went on revison break. I have until June 2nd to write up my exam and the entire student body is buzzing with excitement and nerves.

I am writing a piece on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries! I'll describe it in a differential reading as an adaption and it's really pretty fun. I'm even using Tumblr and Reddit as legitimate sources...
Warm weather = rainy weather. I got absolutely soaked last week.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Liv! Please please please lad mig læse din opgave når den er færdig :D!

  2. Du får sådan nogle fede perks på dit arbejde! <3 Og dejligt at du kunne få nogle piger til at jedi-træne med din leia-power.
    Og jeg ville godt nok også gerne se rytteriet. Var der besøg af Fritz og Poul?
