You may have noticed a certain absence of entries in this blog for the past few weeks but I had my mind elsewhere. In Danish high school we have to write a big rapport on some self-chosen subject. My study was on Jane Austen's Mansfield Park and its interrelation to the trans-atlantic slave trade. Boy, I had to read a lot - I actually spent the first week reading and noting down usable phrases. A LOT of tea was consumed, I'll tell you that.
I had a study group with some of the other girls and it was really good to talk some matters over and hear other people's opinions. The funny bit was observing how entirely different methods of studying we all had. I had a puzzle-thing going on while Rie put post-its in the right places and worked out a disposition for the rapport in her head.
And yes, that is Maria using two computers. Laika boss <3
But studying non-stop for two weeks is tiresome and I really became another person - my taste of humour complete vanished. So I went to the Town Hall the last Saturday of the writing period to get some air. And then the Queen just happened to have a celebration for her 40th year of rule and was coming out to wave. (No, I had noooo intention of coming there just for that. None whatsoever.)
I brought my tiny binoculars and had not expected much of it, but it was actually really helpful. Without them the Queen was just a little dot but as you can see she grew bigger with the binoculars.
Not that we really had any use of that, since there were enormous tele screens everywhere.
People went balistic with the flags! It was quite delightful and nationalistic, haha. It's the strangest things that can gather a crowd.
After a refreshing trip to town in the brilliant yet cold weather it was time to go home and write the rest of the rapport. And so I did.
Tuesday was the deadline and everyone came to hand it in. The atmosphere was real frantic - all the 3rd graders were nervous as fuck since we're not really sure how we've done. What will the feedback be?
But oh well. With the SRP 336 hours of the exam is over - that sure is something! And I wanted to be a wee bit formal for the hand-in.
It's odd trying to adapt myself to the ordinary life and my normal lifestyle again..
really many paper..
SvarSletit's weird seeing how you handled your SRP with all the paper strips puzzles and stuff :b congrats on being done ~
SvarSletNice you finally finished your project :D
SvarSletI hope you'll get a good grade~
SvarSletTillykke :'D :'D!
Af en eller anden grund ser det ud som om du er en lille bitte dukke på de sidste billeder - jeg tror det er skråvæggen der gør det, men du ser ret nuttet ud <3
SvarSletPS. Tillykke med at være blevet færdig med opgaven!! Og jeg er ret fascineret af din puslespils-metode :D
LOL congrats! Oh the strive to finish projects! Congrats haha!
Skrev SRP tilbage i december, det var en ret luksus uge! Tillykke med afleveringen! :D