fredag den 13. juni 2014

Astrid How To Train Your Dragon 2 Cosplay rundown, Tutorial

People have been asking about detailed descriptions of my Astrid cosplay, so I put this together to try and explain my process. It will be updated after Japan Expo after I've added new details.
!!!! NOW UPDATED !!!

onsdag den 4. juni 2014

Hell Week 1.0

Hell week 1.0 (written exam period) has concluded. Even though I spent basically all day every day inside I did still appreciate the fantastic weather from behind windows (I do realize how incredibly sad that sounds).

I did get to experience the sun's warmth first-hand when Maria invited me over to BBQ with the CBS crew.

It was great to get out a little bit and talk with some familiar faces.

It was a weird week of solitary loneliness and Sunday I just had to break free, so I went to see X-Men Days of Futute Past with Tina. I'd been so stuck in my own bubble that I was momentarily confused about the sci-fi opening - because I'd forgotten about the "Future" part of the story... wow.

It was so exciting! I liked the division between the characters - for once Wolverine didn't overshadow everyone else.
And do you guys like my puzzle style of structuring my writing?

After handing the exam in I saw a pre-viewing of TFIOS. I was sweet enough, but way to polished and Hollywood.

And yesterday we went out to eat burgersssss to celebrate.