This morning some classes - and a mathematics test!! - was cancelled so I stayed home a little late. Instead of just chilling and doing absolutely nothing I did my earrings. I bought them in Japan with clips, but they hurt my ears SO much! I can only wear clip earrings for an hour or something like that. So a took of the clip hooks and replaced them with earring hooks. So now I can finally wear my "new" ear accesories, haha!
The mess behind me was utterly self inflicted. I could't find the dress so I took a whole lot of my clothes our of my closet. Only to find it laying around behind my shoe cabinet-thingy. And I was late too!
My classmates and I discussed autumn/winter creeping in on us today. We all agreed that we are getting more depressed as the days go by and the light fades away. I find myself needing cheerful/groovy music in times like that. You know, music that makes you go dancing around your room with a smile on your face. But I'm at an dead end. Groovy... Everytime I hear that word I think of Austin Powers. GROOVY BABY.
Do you guys have any suggestions for what I could listen to?? I can listen to all kinds of music!
I can really recommend 50ies and 60ies music! It does not only cheer you up but it makes cleaning up a lot easier.
SvarSletI don't know if there is this programm in Denmark, but I'm using radio.fx on my PC and they have an amazing Oldies station. The program also cuts the songs into mp3s automatically (which is legal because it's from the radio).
Total lækker på billedet hvor du lukker øjnene øverst.
SvarSletElsker dine nye øreringe, de er super lækre ;D og det er du også. Btw, ClueLess er en af mine yndlings film ;D
(gæt hvem det er :P)
Sikke en fin kjole *-* so jealous.
SvarSletOh ja, clip øreringe gør sygt nas >< hvad sker der for det. Innocent World havde også en masse clip øreringe før i tiden.... japanske piger hare bare ikke huller i ørerne eller hvad? XD Men de er vildt søde! <3 total party farver.
LOOOVE all the earrings. So colorful and cute! I also love how you styled your hair and did your makeup <3
SvarSletNice accessories ♥ ^^ Synes også håret klæ'r dig rigtig godt :3
SvarSletEr dog ikke heelt så vild med outfittet.. Tror det er strømperne og skoene jeg ikke synes går så godt sammen med kjolen. Synes man får mere fokus på strømperne end på selve kjolen. Ville nok ha' taget sorte strømper på selv - men det kan være det er en smagssag.