Sunday evening Sascha came by and she'll be leaving in some hours. Monday evening Stella joined us and we watched Coraline, because they hadn't seen it. I was horrified that they hadn't - it's a GREAT movie in my opinion. Really a materpiece! Watch it if you havn't!
In Denmark there's this comedy series called "Crime riders". Uncool guys doing silly crimes like bicycling without hands and being two people on one bike. And we've done a lot of crimes these past days. Talking on the phone in the part of the train where you have to be quiet and stuff like that. Crazyyyy.
Being in the McDonald's play ground where you have to be under 9 years old and take off your shoes! DOUBLE CRIMMEE.
Monday morning Sørine came and we dressed up in our InuYasha cosplays. Sascha wanted to take a shoot for the danish cosplay magazine Cosmag. It's really an old cosplay - 2 years or something - and it was really wierd wearing it again.
Guess what we did in the leavessssss (if you know, please don't tell)
I went to the dentist today. They said that I was almost ready to get the lower brace off! Happinesssss. But then I have to wear my elastics in triangles that hurts so much. Bittersweet much.
SvarSlet- Dude, du har ret. Smilet helt vildt af billedet. og i er de vildeste crime riders ;D Du så sød <3
It's was so much fun seeing you again ♥
SvarSletAND I LOVE OUR PHOTOSHOOT SO MUCH ;_; Can't wait to publish it!
i had 3 years a brace and hated it :s
SvarSletlucky u now!