tirsdag den 5. oktober 2010

In Denmark I was born in the 90ies

I really love Denmark and I can't really imagine actually living any where else permanently. People often ask me if I would like to move to Japan, seeing how much I love it. But I wouldn't. I love Denmark way too much.

I love pålægschokolade (roughly translates into thin slices of chocolate, we use it just like you put cheese on a bread). Always have, always will. It's kind of gross, but in a good way. That's the two things I always bring with me when I leave the country - danish chocolate and danish licorice. I can't live without it.

This morning's sunrise. It's gotten really dark these days when I wake up. The only positive thing about that is that I get to see the sunrise every morning. And they're always more beautiful when it's not summer.

I've watched Clueless and 10 Things I Hate About You these days. And I know you're supposed to think that the 90ies went in the wrong direction when it comes to fashion - that's how it is in Denmark at least - but I'm really inspired by the ideas behind the outfits they put together. Sure, they look a little off in my eyes as well... But damn, that striped look is so getting my head buzzed up with coordinating ideas.


4 kommentarer:

  1. I feel the same. I can't think of a life without Denmark. Without rugbrød and leverpostej :( That's the things I always miss the most when visiting other countries.

    I hate that it's already become dark in the morning when I wake up. I can't wait to winter-time to begin!

  2. Clueless is an AMAZING film XD

  3. C-c-cameltoe på hende til højre x_x my eeyees.
    Selv ville jeg helt sikkert bo i udlandet, i hvert fald bare et par år af mit liv.. ville dø af at bo herhjemme hele livet, tror jeg XD Ville gerne bo i England eller USA.. opleve noget.
    Så længe jeg får noget svensk knækbrød med, klarer jeg mig.

  4. lol til Stella.

    jeg synes også 80'er og 90'er stilene fra film er meget inspirerende og frie.
    Synes alle burde lave sådan nogle vilde koordinationer :(
