tirsdag den 31. juli 2012
Thirdly, we went on the party wagon
Finally the big ending of the graduation celebrations held by the school happened. We had a big graduation ceremony followed by the traditional trip around town in a wagon. That red one was ours for the day!
The ceremony was held at the city hall.
When we had gone inside the hall our wagons had just arrived, in nude. But when we had received our diplomas and returned outside our juniors had dolled the wagons up with all kinds of things: banners, plants, balloons and whatnot.
All our teachers and members of family were there. The man in a dark grey blazer was our English teacher and he looked quite forlorn upon telling us goodbye.
Boarding our super beautiful retro wagon inside which everything turned pink!
We had to make 25 stops on our trip, since we're 25 in the class. So we went to each and everyone's house where food and beverages had been prepared for us and the proud parents were ready to take us in. En route we had our on drinks on board plus music pumping loudly (a bit too loudly it would seem, judging by that little boy).
One of the stops was really far away - 1,25 hourssss - and while going there it started raining terribly. It was quite cold but fortunately when we got there it cleared up just in time for us to enjoy our hot dogs.
Then we arrived at mi casa!
And after just 10 minutes we hit the road again leaving a lot of empty plates behind. And we also only stayed there for 10 minutes before leaving yet again.
Apparently when one needs to, everyone does... And you got quite tired of the toilet line at every stop.
We got more and more lazy as the day went on and in the end we just relaxed at every stop, wanting to just remain there for the rest of the evening haha. I'd have liked to have fun in that garden all night long.
But alas, the show must go on. Wind in the sails and move forward!
By then night time had fallen and the real party vibe started spreading.
Around 2 in the morning we reached our final destination where we were to stay for the rest of the night!
It was a great day with lots of fun memories!
Holy fuck hvor er i seje! 25 stop ud i en, jeg synes vores 21 var lige i overkanten :'D
SvarSletHej Liv! Grattis till examen, jag hoppas du har haft det riktigt roligt! Jag tycker verkligen om din blogg, du är så fin! Jag har en fråga till dig, hur får man egentligen jobb på Disney Store? Jag har lige tagit min Bachelor i Marketing och ska börja jobba i höst. Nu i sommar läser jag två sommarkurser i Disney studies och Harry Potter studies, det är jätteroligt! Det är verkligen min största dröm att jobba för Disney och jag tänker göra allt jag kan för att nå den, så det vore jättesnällt om du ville förklara hur jag bör gå tillväga! Vet du om de har någon ledig anställning i höst eller om det finns något annat sätt jag kan få kontakt? Jag har ringt kontoret i Köpenhamn och pratat och ska skicka CV, men jag tänkte att det vore bra att fråga dig som faktiskt jobbar där! Jag tror du förstår drömmen om att jobba med Disney :) Du får jättegärna maila mig på emma.p.nilsson@live.se eller svara här! Hoppas att allt är bra med dig och att du haft en rolig examen, grattis igen!
SvarSletVänliga hälsningar
Emma Nilsson