søndag den 5. juni 2011
Whoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall posses the power of THOR
My braces are off! Goodbye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu, and may I never see you on my teeth ever again!
But I must admit... Even though it is spectacular to be braceless I am actually missing it a little bit. I had so much fun with it - doing my Braceface cosplay for example. But the last 6 months I've had the urge to just rip off the braces myself, so I guess it is all right to be rid of them now.
And it is nice to know I'll celebrate my 18th birthday without metal in my mouth.
I went to the cinema with my Disneys today to watch Thor. One of the girls was able to get us all free tickets, and since Marvel has been bought by Disney we thought it wise to have seen the new Thor movie.
Being a big fan of the Iron Man movies I had looked forward to seeing this movie (seeing as the cliffhanger in Iron Man 2 is Thor's hammer). Also the fact that a lot of my friends had spoken well of the movie ("Loki is amazingly hottttt!") helped to raise my expectations. And I must say that I was disappointed (also concerning Loki's fineness).
The storyline was not really interesting. Sure, the whole theme of "magic/religion is actually just today or tomorrow's science" was wicked - I especially loved the parallel to Einstein's wormholes - but the movie just did not have enough substance as a whole.
But then again. It was equipped with great animations and special effects while the filming was interesting - twisted angles and turns. The humor was splendid. The costume designs and the concept art for Asgard etc. were beautiful. And I simply adore Natalie Portman. Also - as an Nordic citizen, how could I possibly hate a movie about Nordic mythology?
I was well entertained.
And finally today's outfitttt. I'm loving my new pink extensions!!
Det klæder dig at bøjlen er kommet af, men du var også rigtig smuk før <3
SvarSletOh my GOD! This is so weiiirdd... you look gorgeous, darling :) Your teeth are beautiful, of course. Heehee.
SvarSletYou looked brilliant with the braces on and brilliant with them off. <3
SvarSletyou look adoreable, especially with the extensions =)
SvarSletI loved Thor alot, and to be honest I thought Thor himself was waaay hotter than Loki xD
Selvom det er så lille en ting, noget man ikke rigtig lægger mærke til til daglig, så er det vildt hvor stor forskel det gør at de er kommet af! Jeg glæder mig til at se dine tænder irl, hahaha 8D
SvarSletYou look great, even without the braces <3 Congratulations on finally getting them off!! As Astrid said, I'm looking forward to see that picture-perfect colgate smile IRL as soon as possible >:3 And the extensions look so nice too - very summer like ^^/
SvarSletOMG, you look awesome! I LOVE this outfit!! *_*
SvarSletCONGRATULATIONS DARLING!! You look so much younger without the braces! But I have to get used to your "new" headshape now that the braces aren't there :'D Can't wait to see it in real life!
SvarSletAnd your extentions look super cute as well!!