søndag den 10. april 2011

Original food

Louise asked me out for an Italian sandwich. Let me tell you - they were amazingly tasty! It had been some weeks since I saw her last, so it was nice to chat again.

We met up in the train and just started laughing immediately. Because we were both wearing those black fake-glasses, haha. Kind of embarrassing.

Then I asked her to join me and my parents at Louisiana, a museum of modern art just outside of Copenhagen.
They are having a Picasso exhibition at the moment and it has already broken all their visitor records! So we thought we'd go as well. But I must admit I found the free chocolate samples more interesting.

I'm not really a Picasso girl. His art is fine but he's not even nearly my fave artist.
We were sort of having this joke about unoriginal names all day long - for restaurants, shops etc. And Picasso wasn't really a man of extraordinary titles.
Behold Cat and Lobster (my first guess was Lobster and Cat, which of course is wrong)!


6 kommentarer:

  1. what a sweet outfit - so lovely~~~
    and yeah, I don't really like picasso that much either =)

  2. The food looks sooo yummy ;w; And it sounds like such a fun day! Though Picasso's art really IS weird :c (And fugly.)

    Your hair is so silly - only something you could pull off! Love your makeup as usual :'D And those red pants - a w e s o m e !

  3. That's one sweet ass outfit. You be so cool little Liv. (ps. wow, long time no see?!!)
    And haha, I'm not very fond of Picasso either - but somehow he did get this famous...........I guess. Cute update

  4. BRILLE-FAIl <3 Mine nye puder og dynebetræk nyder rigtig meget at være hjemme hos mig :D

  5. Love your outfit <3

    I love Picasso's wierdness :)

  6. What a cool outfit you're wearing! I like those glasses :). Those sandwiches look really tasty indeed! Makes me hungry right now..
