But I've decided not to. Because I used to hate how my short bangs looked after an hour. And I had to wash my hair every day - pretty unhealthy! I guess my bangs just needs some more centimeters to look great..
Aah, this is the kind of hair I dream of having, but will never dare to do. I'd have to bleach my hair and since I'm allergic to perfume and other cosmetic stuff I'm way to scared of getting burned to try.
Also... WHY. WHyyyy did I color my hair?! Really, I'm getting pre-tty frustrated. Not really because I don't like the color, just because my extensions don't match my hair anymore. AND I MISS MY LONG HAIR. "You already have long hair, honny" some people tell me. But guess what? I want it longer. Ragggeeee.
Arh for den da D: Skynd dig og bli rask <3 ellers går det nok, både Dorte og jeg er også syge! :D
SvarSletGodt du beholder dit lange hår uden pandehår, for det klær dig rigtig rigtig meget <3
Get well soon! I am pretty weak against colds, too (´___`;)
SvarSletThere are products to increase your hair growth which you should be able to get at a drugstore or at a pharmacy :3 Some of them work really nice! ♥
Take care!!!
SvarSletI just discovered you blog and have become a fan!! You have such a great style <3
I got trouble with my bang all the time; when I don't have it, I miss it and I find all sort of gorgeous images of gyarus and people with great bang. When I have mine, I regret about it two days after lol
I hope you feel better! Seasons changing is always such a sick time >_<
SvarSletI have found bangs work best if you keep them off your head while at home with a roller if you have an oily forehead (I do >_<;;). It's such work though >_<;;
I agree my hair is never long or short or curly or red or anything enough. It's a hard thing to be satisfied with.
Aww, håber du bliver glad for dit hår igen snart <3 og god bedring! Mega cute billede af dig btw~<3